With so many books in circulation in the world and so many opportunities to read, it is worth reflecting on our purpose as readers. Some people enjoy reading as a way to relax, disconnect from the pressures of their daily lives, and transport themselves to a different universe than the one that surrounds them. Others seek to improve their critical skills and general culture through literature. Some engage with works of fiction to familiarize themselves with the great ideas and great characters of the brilliant minds of the past. Whatever your goal, it is very likely that from time to time you wonder if you are fulfilling it or if there are factors that should be adjusted in your reading process.
While I don’t want to go into the cognitive aspect of reading (I’ll leave that for a future article), I would like to present a list of habits that will make you a good reader, whatever your personal goals.
1. Read constantly
A good reader is someone who has developed a consistent reading habit. It doesn’t matter if you read every day, three times a week, or just on the weekends, keeping up a steady reading pace will allow you to get into the activity, adopt it as a hobby, and make progress on your to-do list. Taking reading seriously – even if it’s just a hobby – will prevent you from becoming one of those people who say they’re interested in books, but “never find the time” to read. Make the time, build the habit, and make reading just another part of your daily activities.
2. Strive to exercise understanding
What separates superficial reading from deeper reading is the time we spend unraveling the meaning of what we read. Whether it’s a novel, a short story, or an autobiographical memoir, authors are always trying to convey a message to their readers. Stopping to think about the reflections presented on the page, trying to understand the motivations behind the characters in a story, or searching for the meaning of the themes developed in the book will make your reading experience much more enriching.
3. Appreciate good writing
A good writer is not only capable of telling a great story but also of evoking feelings through his words. Some books are very poetic, that present an indisputable aesthetic beauty and transport us to a special atmosphere through their pages. Sometimes, there are turns of phrase that can shock us, move us, or fill us with adrenaline. Stopping to appreciate these displays of literary talent is essential to learn to appreciate a writer’s style.
4. Visualize what you read
While this skill comes naturally to most readers, some need to make an extra effort to develop it. Being able to imagine what you are reading, constructing the setting in your head, and physically conceiving the characters described on the page with your mind’s eye are all necessary skills for a good reading experience. If you have not been able to do these, it means that you will not be able to fully engage with books. In this case, it will be very important for you to work on developing the ability to visualize.
5. Don’t rush or skip fragments
The inability to pay attention or be patient enough to digest the text in depth are symptoms of poor reading. While it is tempting to fast-forward through the pages of a book to finish a novel as quickly as possible, reading in a hurry will only result in you skipping important fragments and details of the narrative. All you will end up doing is rereading entire paragraphs to keep track of the text in question.
6. Surround yourself with books all the time
An effective way to build a reading habit is to ensure you have access to books. This may mean having a shelf full of books in your room, keeping a complete collection of titles on your e-reader, or having a well-oiled pass to your local library. In any case, surrounding yourself with books will ensure that you always have material on hand to immerse yourself in the act of reading.
7. Make reading lists
A good reader has an unquestionable mantra: it’s not about the book you’re reading now, but about the ones you’ll read once you’ve finished it. Keeping a list of the next readings – preferably in order and ranked – will prevent you from the mental block of having to decide where to continue your reading journey. It doesn’t matter if you keep this list manually, on your computer or through an app on your cell phone, keeping it updated and in the palm of your hand will be an invaluable tool in your reading process.
8. Read by choice, not by obligation
Only by choosing books that speak to your interests and fit into the genres and styles you like will you be able to make smooth progress with your reading activity. While it is sometimes important to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone, if you read books only because you feel you have to, the novelty will soon wear off and reading will become a burden. Don’t fight your inclinations when choosing your reading material.
9. Plan your reading sessions
Choose a day and time, prepare a cozy place, and excuse yourself from the rest of the world to lock yourself away with your favorite book. Having an appropriate environment and atmosphere is as important as following a regular reading schedule. To achieve this, you must plan your sessions and give them the place they deserve in your daily routine.
10. Take notes
If you are the type of person who enjoys writing and taking notes about what you read, this tip will be very useful for you. Keep a notebook for your reading notes and write down your thoughts about the content of the reading, your interpretations, your impressions, and your critical analysis of the text. This will help you process it more deeply and create a reference file for when you want to revisit books you have already read.